
file to load the translations. Each locale would also need a corresponding translation file. For example, if you were supporting the You can add a i18n structure of settings to your ColdBox.cfc or to any other module configuration file: ModuleConfig.cfc to configure the module:

i18n = {
    // The base path of the default resource bundle to load
    defaultResourceBundle = "includes/i18n/main",
    // The default locale of the application
    defaultLocale = "en_US",
    // The storage to use for user's locale: session, client, cookie, request
    localeStorage = "cookie",
    // The value to show when a translation is not found
    unknownTranslation = "**NOT FOUND**",
    logUnknownTranslation = true | false,
    // Extra resource bundles to load
    resourceBundles = {
        alias = "path"
    //Specify a Custom Resource Service, which should implement the methods or extend the base i18n ResourceService ( e.g. - using a database to store i18n )
    customResourceService = ""

The defaultResourceBundle specifies a file path to find your bundle. For example, a defaultResourceBundle of includes/i18n/main and a defaultLocale of en_US would look for a includes/i18n/main_en_US.propertieses_SV locale, you would need a includes/i18n/ file as well.

Each module in your ColdBox Application can have its own resource bundles that can be loaded by this module and thus providing modular i18n resources.

A resource bundle is a .properties file containing your translations. For instance, using the default settings above, you would need to create a includes/i18n/ file with your translations. Here is an example:

main.readthedocs=Read The Docs!
greeting=Hello {name}

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