Now that you have completed the initialization of the i18n settings in the configuration file, you are ready to code for them. There are several methods that are available to all handlers, interceptors, layouts and views that deal with i18n via runtime mixins. You can use these methods directly or go to the services directly if you inject them.
Mapped Models
This module registers the following models in WireBox:
i18n@cbi18n : Helper with all kinds of methods for localization
resourceService@cbi18n : Service to interact with language resource bundles
Mixin Helpers
The module registers the following methods for handlers/layouts/views/interceptors:
/*** Get the user's currently set locale or default locale according to settings*/functiongetFWLocale()/*** Set the locale for a specific user* @locale The locale to set. Must be Java Style Standard: en_US, if empty it will default to the default locale* @dontLoadRBFlag Flag to load the resource bundle for the specified locale (If not already loaded)* * @return i18n Service*/functionsetFWLocale( string locale="", boolean dontloadRBFlag=false )/*** Retrieve a resource from a resource bundle with replacements or auto-loading* @resource The resource (key) to retrieve from the main loaded bundle.* @defaultValue A default value to send back if the resource (key) not found* @locale Pass in which locale to take the resource from. By default it uses the user's current set locale* @values An array, struct or simple string of value replacements to use on the resource string* @bundle The bundle alias to use to get the resource from when using multiple resource bundles. By default the bundle name used is 'default'
*/functiongetResource( required resource, defaultValue, locale, values, bundle,)// Alias to getResourcefunction$r()/** * Get Access to the i18n Model */functioni18n()/** * Get the resource service model */functionresourceService()
Bundle Aliases
You can leverage the getResource() or $r() method to retrieve resources from specific bundles by using the bundle argument or the @bundle convention.
Your locale is #getFwLocale()#!// localized button#html.submitButton( value=getResource( 'btn.submit' ) )#// Localized string with replacements via arrays#html.h2( $r(resource="txt.hello", values=[ "Luis","Majano" ] ) )#// txt.hello resourcetxt.hello="Hello Mr {1} {2}! I hope you have an awesome day Mr. {2}!"// Localized string with replacements via structs#html.h2( getResource(resource="txt.hello", values={ name="Luis", age="35" } ) )#// txt.hello resourcetxt.hello="Hello Mr {name}! You are {age} years old today!"// Localized string from a bundle, notice the @cbcore alias#getResource( 'common.ok@cbcore' )#// function change a user's localefunctionchangeLocale(event,rc,prc){setFwlocale( rc.locale );setNextEvent( 'home' );}
INFO Please note that the i18N services are singleton objects and lives throughout your entire application span.
You can place the i18n@cbi18n service in the prc scope and then use this utility for i18n specific methods anywhere in your layouts and views, below is a simple example:
INFO There are tons of great utility methods in the i18n service that will allow you to work with localization and internationalization. Please view them via the API Docs for the latest methods and arguments.